Monday, 10/24 – Electrical Work; This and That

Jamie noticed right away that we had been busy painting. We are lucky my brother Steve is running our “paint crew” so things are getting done!

The electricians came back for the final time today. They put the rims (this isn’t the right terminology, I’m sure) on the recessed ceiling lights, hung up a fan, installed some exterior lights, did some hocus-pocus-electricus stuff in the basement, and probably did many other things I missed. Our “back room” can be all lit up now! There are six recessed lights in the dining room and ten in the family room. The dining room will also have a center chandelier, but we need a different size of chain before that goes up — for now there’s a blank plate (again perhaps not the right terminology). The family room has a fan in the center; that will be nice in the summer months!

Jamie worked on finishing up a bunch of things. There were a few windows without trim, including the two windows that just went in on Friday. Every window has trim now. My son Thomas will be happy about that; neither window in his room had its complete trim and he was taking it personally! Also, Jamie did more work on the landing & stairs to the outside of the house. I think that just needs a railing at the top to be complete.

We talked about timing for the sanding and coating of the hardwood floors; hopefully the timing will work out so it’s on an upcoming Friday off of school. If so, we can get the kids off to school on Thursday, pick them up at the end of the day, and go stay somewhere until the end of the weekend. Fingers crossed that this will work out — it sounds like it’s impossible to stay in the house when the floors are being done, but it would be awful to have to get them all to school every morning for three days from someplace else.

Unbelievably, we are winding down on this project. They’ll start to put in the hardwood floor tomorrow. The garage door will go in…whenever the garage door people show up. The baseboard trim goes on after the hardwood floors are finished, I believe. The built-ins will still be a while. The one between the dining room and the family room is being worked on; the one at the end of the family room and a small one in the dining room should be ordered tomorrow.

But we have space, heat, lights, walls…it’s pretty incredible.

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